Does She Like Me or Not? How to Figure Out the Female Mind!

•October 27, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Women are by and large indecisive about lots of things. What outfit should I wear, what is my favorite flavor of ice cream and most importantly, what is my favorite pair of shoes to wear with this skirt.. 🙂 Of course I’m being a little bit facetious, but the one thing that we are DEFINITELY not indecisive about is how we feel about a guy that we really like. If a woman really likes you, there is no dispute. Her friends know, her mom may know, but you may NEVER know unless she makes the first move! I have seen a lot of good guys miss out on chances with really good looking girls who were an absolutely great catch, just because he never figured out whether she liked him, or not! And sadly, he never made the move so everyone loses. Don’t let this happen to you. If you see any of these signs from a girl you like, but aren’t sure how she feels about you, you better make your move because she WANTS you to!

If EVERY time you see this girl she is dressed up, or has lipstick on, this is a dead giveaway she likes you. Any self respecting woman with a killer crush on a cute guy would never show up unannounced without lipstick! Even the smartest, most career oriented friends of mine ( who are beautiful too!) will fall into an absolute panic if a guy they like bumps into us while they have no lipstick on. Quirky, but true – check it out, if she’s got it on always, or putting it on while you are there, she likes you (or one of your friends!)

Does she laugh at all of your jokes? Even the stupid, silly and decidedly UN-funny ones of the bunch? If this happens a lot, she likes you. Women can be super catty about un-funny guys as friends, if she’s still laughing, you are in luck, big time!

How about football? Does she make a big deal about the game on Sunday? Is she volunteering to bring over food because she “wants to watch the game”? If she’s making excuses to come over and cheer on the team, or goes out of her way to let you know SHE is a big fan in her own right, she’s probably lying, and likes you..:-) I’ve done this many times and even joined a fantasy football league to prove my sincerity. Trust me, I would have preferred to be shopping. But when you REALLY like a guy, you want to make sure he knows you’re on board, and we do silly things sometimes to get the point across in a subtle way. It’s your job to learn the signals we are giving you, and I’m not talking about the ones in the huddle, either. And if she’s sitting there with you on Sunday fetching the chips while you cheer like a maniac, believe me, her mind is not on the game..;-)

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Fitness Testing For Young Female Hockey Players

•October 7, 2008 • Leave a Comment

We live in a “numbers-based” world.

Players want to know where they “stack-up” relative to their peers, and the easiest way to judge where they stand is by comparing their “numbers” to those of the competition.

One goalie may be considered better than another because they have a better winning percentage.

One forward may be considered better than another because they score more points.

There are hundreds factors that lead to some teams and players excelling more than others. However, unlike some more subjective measures of performance, fitness testing numbers give us an objective measuring stick that we can use to determine where we stand.

Fitness testing for young female players is becoming more commonplace. Although young players are now routinely being tested on their strength, speed, power and conditioning, many coaches and parents remain unsure as to what they should do with the results.

Obviously, a player’s scores on these tests are not the ‘be all and end all’ of their playing careers. A coach should never base an evaluation of a player solely on their fitness testing numbers alone. Every coach in the world would prefer that their athletes excel on the ice, rather than at the tests themselves. You are always going to look at an athlete’s ability to perform in competition long before you consider an athlete’s score in the standing long jump. That being said, it is still important for coaches to have an idea of where their players stand in terms of fitness so that they can plan their off-ice and on-ice programs accordingly.

The reality is that these tests are not being done for the coaches – they are being done for the players.

Young female hockey players that are looking to take their game to the next level of performance are often looking for ‘the edge’ that will allow them to stand out from their competition. So while their performance in off-ice testing is certainly not the only indicator of their ability to excel on the ice, it is an objective way for players to determine where they stand relative to their peers and to their own past performances off the ice. More than that, it gives players an idea of what abilities they need to improve on to get to the next level.

There is a direct connection between an player’s performance on the ice and their commitment and dedication to improvement off the ice. Good hockey players are a ‘dime-a-dozen’, while players who are seriously committed to improving off their off-ice abilities are much harder to come by. And it is this commitment to off-ice improvement that quite often separates the ‘best’ from the ‘rest’. Testing gives players an idea of where they are starting from in terms of fitness and allows them to plan how they are going to improve accordingly.

After all, if you want to know where you are going, you need to know where you are starting from.
personal workout program
– Personal workout program combining Pilates with select strength and cardio  training

What Are the Best Diets For Women? 3 Secrets For Fast Female Fat Loss!

•September 9, 2008 • Leave a Comment

In this article we are going to do talk JUST to women! Every woman who needs to lose weight fast is looking for the PERFECT path to get there, right? Of course you are….and if you are ANYTHING like me, you’ve done it MORE than once to boot! Let’s take a quick look at some of the very best tips I’ve personally acclimated in my own lifestyle choices to keep MY body looking fit, firm and phenomenal from the beach to the boardroom…and BEYOND! Read on.

Pick a Program You Will Stick With

The biggest enemy of achievement for female dieters is simply choosing a “fad” approach to fat loss. I’m going to tell you from personal experience, they simply do NOT work long term. Who cares about losing 5 pound – or even 15 pounds for that matter if it’s only going to be a 90 day improvement? I don’t….and the statistics don’t lie: 90% plus of women who diet will NOT have ANY appreciable long term benefits to show for it. Ugly, right?

Information is EVERYTHING

You’ve got to have the right balance. Too much analysis? You’ll never get your head OUT of the books to realize your goals. Too little information? Ultimately you’ll make BAD dieting choices…because lord knows there are LOTS of bad diets ( and choices!) out there to choose! Fill your mind with SOLID information and then get out there and get moving on it fast!

Pick a Program with Proven Results

I’m a huge fan of the Medifast diet. Why? They have a proven track record of amazing results – over 1 MILLION people have lost weight (and MANY keeping it off to boot!) on Medifast. Regardless of the program YOU choose, simply make sure the plan has PROOF that verifies, validates and substantiates their claims! It’s EASY to say you’ll lose weight…but show me OTHERS who have done it and THEN we’ll talk.

Remember – if you HAVEN’T been able to lose weight before…it’s NOT your fault! Knowledge is POWER, and the most important step on the path to a beautiful body is information, EDUCATION and empowerment!

So What Do I Recommend? You got it. Medifast!

Secrets To Getting The Sexiest Butt And Flattest Female Abs

•July 18, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Here are a few secrets to getting the sexiest butt and flattest female abs. Jogging and crunches are banned from this discussion, so relax and find out superior ways to create beautiful feminine curves.

To get the sexiest butt, you need to do 2 exercises…

1. Isometric butt squeezes — What you do is squeeze your butt together as hard as possible. Do this for as long as possible… anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes (yes 5 minutes is possible) all at once. Do this for a total of 5-10 minutes a day and you’ll see rapid improvements in the shape of your butt within 10 days.

2. Squat — You can squat with weights at the gym or do squats without weight at home. Two squats you can do at home are the wall squats and hindu squats. Wall squats are done with your back against a wall and squat down until your upper legs are parallel to the ground. Do 4 sets of 10-15, 4 days a week. Hindu squats are fast paced squats where you go as fast as possible. To do these correctly, have a relatively straight back and swipe or touch your finger tips against the ground to make sure you are going down far enough. Do 100 repetitions of this everyday.

To get the flattest female abs, you need to do an exercise called the “vacuum pose”.

You basically suck in your belly button as far as possible and hold for 15-60 seconds. If you did just this exercise alone, you can expect to lose about 1.75 inches off of your waist within the next 30 days. You need to do this for a minimum of at least 5 minutes each pills

If you do those exercises consistently, you can expect to get sexiest butt and flattest abs your genetics will allow.

How To Have Beautiful Skin

•July 7, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Tips For Healthy And Shining Skin

Tip 1: Drink Water

Water has long been considered as the most efficient natural treatment or an almost free treatment for any skin condition because of its being alkaline, with pH 7.3. It prevents dehydration which is capable of producing sebum or oil from the sebaceous glands. Your skin needs water in order for it to function best, thus doctors and nutritionists suggest that a daily intake of between 6 to 8 glasses of water per day is highly needed.

Tip 2: Watch Your Diet

Nutrition plays a vital role in skin health too. Specific foods such as those acidic foods and dairy products are said to be effective in causing an allergic reaction in some people. Also, one of the widely debated topics in the area of nutrition today is chocolates. Some say that chocolate does affect the condition of the skin, while others say it doesn’t. Whatever the result may be, the best advice is just to follow a nutritious diet that has a number of fresh fruits and green-leafy veggies, as well as fiber.

Tip 3: Consider Exfoliants

Many experts say that exfoliating your skin is another great way to attain a beautiful skin. So, try to invest in a good body exfoliant or “loofah”, as it is commonly called, as it is capable of eliminating the dead skin cells from your body. Accordingly, this should be done once or twice a week so to free the skin to breathe. What’s more, exfoliants help to put off ingrown hair from developing.

However, it is essential to avoid using any body exfoliant on the skin on the face. The main reason for this precaution is that the facial tissue is more sensitive and finer than those tissues of the body.

Tip 4: Consider a Healthy Routine for Facial Care

When it comes to facial skin care, getting into a healthy beauty routine is not bad. Most of the doctors today greatly suggest that you cleanse, moisturize and tone your skin twice every day. When cleaning, never fail to remember cleaning the area on the neck, including your face. Apply a moisturizer or neck cream after.

Before going to bed at night, always bear in mind to remove all make up. Clean your skin before you sleep, no matter how tired you may feel. It was found out that during the night, the skin goes through a process of elimination and cannot breathe properly if it is clogged with make up. And, you may also find out that sleeping with your make up on will cause your skin to “break out” with spots on it.

When it comes to shaving for men, some men may experience shaving rashes. For many, these rashes lower their self-esteem, but this is actually not a big problem to think about. There are a lot ways to avoid rashes. Perhaps one of the best is to make sure that when shaving, the razor strokes are following the direction of hair growth. That’s simply it!

Tip 5: Heal Your Feet

When it comes to skin care, the feet are often neglected. So, if care you found no time for a professional pedicure, try to fill a football or basin with warm water and add your favorite essential oil. Soak your feet for about fifteen minutes. Then, dry them and apply a rough skin remover onto them. Rinse this off and dry you feet well. And, if you consider pedicure, simply add some body cream to your feet for an easy and quick fix pedicure.

Tip 6: Avoid Too Much Exposure to the Sun

One of the most common precautions when it comes to skin care is avoiding too much exposure to the sun. As you may know, over exposure to sunlight causes sunburn. So, while current sun blocks only block out the UVB rays and still let in harmful UVA rays, it is still wise to cover up before venturing into the hands of Apollo. If possible, use a wide brimmed hat while tending your garden to keep the sun from your face.

Tip 7: Exercise

Aside from considering a healthy diet, exercising your body also helps keep your skin healthy. Note that a proper exercise does not only keep the body fit by regulating the oxygen; it also improves the glow of the skin as well.

Tip 8: Take Enough Rest

One common problem that face people is stress; the one which is not normal. It was found out that when a person is stressed, the adrenal cortex converts adrenal androgens to the hormone testosterone in male and female, which in turn results in overactive sebaceous glands. These adrenal androgens are released causing a double amount of testosterone, causing the face to be oily, while other areas of the body are still dry from dehydration. So, taking proper rest that includes 6 to 8 hours of undisturbed sleep daily is the best way to rejuvenate the skin.

What Would a Fashion Model’s Diet Plan be

•July 1, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Have you ever wondered how the so-called super models manage to get in such good shape and stay trim, even after having a family?

Fashion models depend on their slim figures for their livelihood, so it’s imperative that they always look good. Don’t worry, I’m not suggesting that you should embark on a diet of leaves and nuts. I’m not an advocate of the size zero, but I’m sure you’ll find it interesting to know what sort of diet a fashion model would choose.

The Fashion Models Diet Plan

A favorite way for models to look good is to “Cleanse” or “Fast”. This is not a complete starvation diet, as it will include the intake of soups and fruit juices over a 3 to7 day period. It is more of a detox routine and is generally only carried out once or twice a year.

The benefits of this detox is to obviously rid the body of harmful toxins, such as preservatives and food additives together with inhaled smoke and fumes. It also gives the colon a chance to rid the digestive system of any fecal build up. The results can be dramatic as the liver and kidneys are able to repair and replace damaged cells instead of continuing to rid the body of toxins.

A typical “Cleanse” diet might consist of a combination of fresh carrots, celery, beet, spinach, apple, coconut, broth and juices. Citrus and tomato juices are too acidic to drink while fasting so these should be avoided. It’s important to drink plenty of water during the detox and avoid consuming any unnecessary medications or supplements.

The advantages of a detox are weight loss, reduced body odour, shinier finger nails, stronger hair, reduced cellulite, a glowing complexion and more beautiful eyes.

After the detox, the typical fashion model will then begin her normal eating habits, which to some people may appear to be a “real” diet. However, it will simply be a healthy balanced diet, which might typically consist of the following:

—Breakfast (9am)
One boiled egg with a slice of wholewheat bread
A bowl of cereal with skimmed milk
Black coffee
Total 369 calories

—Lunch (12.30pm)
Turkey salad with balsamic vinaigrette
Cup of tea with skimmed milk
Total 320 calories

—Early Evening Snack (4.30pm)
Low fat Jell-O pudding
Total 100 calories

—Dinner (8pm)
Lean Cuisine chicken a l’orange with rice
2 slices of low fat cheddar cheese with wholewheat crackers
Total 448 calories

The total calorie intake for a typical day is 1237. The aim of the diet is to keep the daily calorie count below 1500.

This is a typical example of a fashion model’s diet, which will also involve some form of aerobic exercises 3 times a week.

So, as you can see it’s not at all what you might have originally thought. It’s just a sensible eating plan and a sensible exercise routine. However, if even this diet seems a little too much to stomach, you could try a natural herbal diet remedy.

Here are the top 5 tips that fashion models highly recommend for staying in trim.

1. Decrease your alcohol consumption. Alcohol suppresses the body’s ability to burn fat.

2. Eat more Black Pepper, Ginger, Chile Peppers. Spicy food helps speed up the body’s metabolism.

3. Increase your muscle mass. Muscle burns fat, so adding 5lbs of muscle will help you burn another 250 calories a day.

3. Increase your vitamin B and Calcium intake. The B-Vitamins give you more energy and increase your metabolism.

4. Drink More Water. A healthy, well-hydrated body is important to flush out toxins and aid in metabolising fats

5. Increase your intake of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Omega 3 fatty acids can help to balance blood sugar levels and control appetite.

The Perfect Female Body

•June 27, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Curves are back, gone are the days when women really want a stick thin figure instead most women long for a body that is curvavious. Hot celebrities have brought about much of this attention in recent years. Women are becoming more and more fit and hey lets face it they look great .

If you make some changes to your workout program you can get yourself on the road to looking like the next female fitness model, maybe even covermodel!

Small Weights

In order to have a curvy feminine body it’s important to lift weights however they should be light weights . You do not want to bulk up , you are looking to tone your body and increase lean muscle mass. With that if you do see an increase in a pound or so on the scales dont panic because muscle weighs more than fat and you will look smaller.


Ladies in order to lose fat it is fact you must have cardio in your fitness routine however unless you change it up a bit your body will quickly adapt to all that cardio training that you are doing. What i mean is say in a given week you walk 5 times a week which totals to 10 miles . The next week try increasing this method in order to keep burning fat.


Carbs are not necessarily bad , just remember to maintain portion size when eating carbohydrates. To have carbohydrates working most effectively for you, it is critical that you time them before and after your workouts. This is when your muscles are going to need the energy and will rapidly soak them up!

Fat Phobia

Many women do not understand this but the truth is in order to lose fat, you must eat fat. Dietary fat.

Do not be scared of consuming fat in your diet. It will help you deal with hunger and help your food taste better. You should be aiming to get no less than 25-30% of your calories coming from a combination of healthy fats (fish oil is important ).

The next time you are at the supermarket and you pass by one of those models on the cover of the latest magazine and you start dreaming about what it would be like to have that body – make it a reality.

Female Body Image: The History Of Body Hate And How To Change It

•June 19, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Here is a good question: Why have women’s feelings about their bodies been so horribly painful to them? In search of the answer, you have probably read a lot of articles about dieting, self-loathing and eating disorders. And you have probably looked in the mirror and disliked some part of your body – as if that “part” were bad or wrong and if it could only be changed everything would be okay. In this article you have a chance to look at why and how women have been encouraged, programmed and coerced into disliking, even hating, their bodies by a culture which perpetuates female self-loathing. You have the opportunity to discover why you may be struggling to love your own body and yourself.

As psychotherapists we are interested in helping women to create a healthy inner-personal life: mind, soul and spirit. As we help women to define and understand who they are as unique human beings, we also want them to recognize that we live in a culture that tells us many things about ourselves – some are true and some are untrue. These cultural messages have a profound effect on us whether we know it or not. Thus, as women in search of emotional well-being, we need to form our own authentic vision and values in the face of cultural messages, especially harmful ones.

Author Mary Pipher, in her wonderful book The Shelter of Each Other, reminds parents that they need to positively influence their children because cultural icons such as The Spice Girls and Madonna, as well as MTV, the fashion industry and every possible advertisement are planting messages in their children’s heads. Because these messages influence the basis of a child’s reality and identity they need to be checked and altered in order that a child may grow up with healthy values and a positive sense of self. In a similar way, we believe that the powerful and negative ways in which the media and American culture commercialize women’s bodies has been extremely effective in getting women to feel discomfort or even to hate themselves.

To begin introducing you to the power of marketing, let’s run an analogy between cult leaders and advertisers. Both cult leaders and advertisers lower self-esteem in people and then promise redemption at the cost of complete and total compliance. In a religious cult, it goes something like this: “You are a sinner. I know God’s truth and if you follow what I say completely, you will go to heaven/win.” In advertising, it goes like this: “You are fat/ugly. This product will make you beautiful and if you buy it you will be attractive/win.” Millions of women accept this rationale whether or not they actually buy the products advertised. In fact, even when they do buy the products, the feeling of redemption is very short lived since there will always be a more beautiful dress, better diet product or whiter toothpaste. It seems that we can never catch up. There is no end to the required total compliance. We will never be good enough. But has it always been this way?

How to Attain Female Fitness Through Bodybuilding

•June 19, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Female bodybuilding has made its way to a sport that is available to all women from newbies to professionals. This article discusses tips to start a unique fitness program for you.


There are a large number of women have successfully taken up female bodybuilding and fitness training at many levels. The variety of women who take part in the regular bodybuilding training is reflective of the many categories this sport offers. A newbie, amateur, professional and everyone in between all have something in common. Begin, decide on goals, and gain successful results, as all of them retain their look, fit, beauty.

Women who want to take up bodybuilding often hesitate about looking ‘manly’, but they couldn’t be further from the truth. A great physique is not necessarily a masculine trait. A number of female bodybuilders are downright beautiful women and their built up body has just added to their glamour, not taken anything away. Contrary to popular belief bodybuilding has often been known to make women feel more in control, confident, and feminine.

It does not matter what your particular body type is, you can be slight or big boned, tall or tiny but you will still be able to reap benefits of bodybuilding. This is because bodybuilding is not the same thing for everyone and different bodies can be built up in different manners. If you exercise consciously and with a well-defined goal you to will see results.

These are some suggestions for beginning your own, unique, body building program.


Information/Advise – Although people who give you either have good intentions you can become overwhelmed with too much of it. Find one source to focus on. Do your research, gain a thorough understanding, then stay with your program.


Find Your Starting Point – Do your homework and find your unique body shape, stats, level of activity, diet and your current exercise regime. With this information you will be able to build a successful training and nutrition program unique for you.


Set Goals and Stick With Them – Do you want to burn fat or gain muscle. Your regime will be different for each goal and switching back and forth will not produce results. Do not just focus on the number on the scale to determine progress. Weight fluctuation is part of the process and is not a detail to change your goal for.


Keep Good Records – Track your training days, exercises, poundage, sets, and reps. Use this information weekly so you can build on it with progressive overload to ensure muscle gains.